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ISCNI Angels Gallery.

From deep antiquity to the present, the world over, people have reported encounters with beings considered messengers or agents of God. Commonly called angels in the West and devas in the East, they are said to be glorious yet fallible, and in fallen form are seen as demons. Related lesser beings may include a host of nature spirits and "little people. " Two-thirds of U.S. adults say they believe angels are real; 30% claim an angelic encounter.

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The Issues:

From deep antiquity to the present, the world over, people have reported encounters with beings thought to be messengers or agents of God. Such beings, commonly called angels in Western culture, figure prominently in the traditions of many religions, including Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Islam and Christianity, and are usually said to concern themselves with the well-being of humans and the relationship between humans and God. The Sanskrit term deva, adopted from the East in contemporary New Age philosophy, connotes not only angels but also a host of similar (often smaller) beings thought to concern themselves with the well-being of kingdoms of nature other than the human.

Rarely has the existence of angels been more widely accepted than it is today in the United States. Although "alien abductions" get more media attention, recent polls suggest that angelic encounters may be far more numerous. Whereas some 10% of adult Americans believe they have seen a UFO, and a smaller group (the number is uncertain) believe they've encountered an alien, fully 32% of U.S. adults say they have felt an angelic presence.

Some researchers believe there is a strong similarity and overlap between reported alien and angelic encounters, but there are important and consistant differences as well. Reports of angelic encounter typically make no reference to any kind of technology, whereas alien encounters almost always include some technology. Compared with presumed aliens, angels seem to be markedly non-intrusive and to have only the human's well-being in mind. Leaving aside the comparatively rare reports of negative or "fallen" angels (which some religiously oriented researchers equate with so-called "gray" aliens), most encounters with angels are said to leave a profoundly positive impression, almost always signalling a change for the better in the life of the human experiencer.

Generally, angels seem to have four main functions in human lives:

  1. delivering messages or instructions
  2. providing comfort or encouragement in hard times
  3. providing protection or deliverance from danger
  4. providing direct physical healing

Examples of each of these functions are given in the cases below.

Belief in angels no doubt persists in part because of long-standing religious tradition. But a major -- and perhaps the main -- factor in today's resurgence of belief is the fact that many people are reporting profoundly impressive encounters. No matter what angels "really" are, millions of human lives in the U.S. alone have apparently been changed for the better by someone, or something, that was experienced as an angel. For this reason alone, angels deserve to be taken seriously.

Nonetheless, it is fair to ask: Are angels real? And if so, what are they, really? Angel researcher -- and devout believer -- Eileen Elias Freeman, author of the best-selling book "Touched by Angels," says: "Angels are another race of sentient, intelligent beings, different from humans, far more ancient and powerful, wiser and more evolved...created by God to serve the divine, not only in...worship...but in helping to form and keep in existence our world and other heavenly bodies. Angels have their own society and values, hierarchy and activities. They have consciousness and will and purpose." But, Freeman continues, "Angels are not a society of glorified human beings....The ancient writings are clear that angels are a separate species, one that predates the appearance of the human race... We and the angels are on parallel tracks as far as our development is concerned."

Interestingly, a CNN/Time magazine poll taken in December of 1993 indicated that 55% of U.S. adults essentially agree with Freeman's ideas. Another 15% said they considered angels to be spirits of departed humans. Only 25% of U.S. adults considered angels to be merely symbolic or imaginary. Of course, in matters this mysterious, the majority is not necessarily correct -- but no one has yet explained how symbolic or imaginary angels could make such a big difference in so many human lives.

And why are angelic encounters evidently more numerous now than in the past? Is it only because the stress of modern life calls forth more extravagant fantasies, as countless humans reach the limit of endurance and pin their last hopes on divine intervention? Some psychologists say so. But many angel experiencers reply that it is only when the human heart calls out for help that the angels -- literally -- make their presence known.

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Four Cases:

NOTE: All illustrations below are original artwork by Kent Steadman (Phikent@aol.com).

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Where To Go From Here

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